Adrenal Disorders

Adrenal Disorders

Adult Endocrine Disorders => Adrenal Disorders

What is Adrenal gland?

Adrenal glands are 2 very small glands situated just above the kidneys. It is divided into 2 parts: adrenal cortex (outer side) and adrenal medulla (inner side). Adrenal cortex is further divided into 3 parts (from outer to inner aspect): zona glomerulosa, zona fasciculate, zona reticularis.

What are the hormones produced from the adrenal gland?

Adrenal medulla secretes norepinephrine and epinephrine. Zona glomerulosa secretes aldosterone (mineralocorticoid), Zona fasciculate secretes cortisol (glucocorticoid) and Zona reticularis secretes DHEAS.

What are the functions of all these hormones?

Aldosterone maintains sodium and water balance. It helps in maintaining the blood pressure. Cortisol (glucortocoid) has a wide range of functions and has an important role during stress. It affects carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism. It modulates immune system. It also reduces bone formation. It also affects mood, memory, sleep and apatite. DHEAS is a weak androgen and its exact function is unknown.

What are adrenal disorders?

(a) Cushing syndrome: Excess of cortisol (due to adrenal adenoma, adrenal carcinoma, McCune Albright syndrome, Primary pigmented nodular adrenal dysplasia)

(b) Primary Hyperaldosteronism: Excess of aldosterone (due to adrenal adenoma, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, glucocortocoid remediable hyperaldosteronism)

(c) Pheochromocytoma: Excess of epinephrine/norepinephrines and their metabolites (metnephrine/normetanehrine) due to adrenal medullary tumours.

(d) Adrenocortical neoplasm (adenoma/carcinoma/metastasis): Secretory or nonsecretory

(e) Primary adrenal insufficiency: Lack of cortisol ± Aldosterone (due to congenital adrenal hyperplasia, congenital adrenal hypoplasia, AAA syndrome, Adrenoleukodystrophy, familial glucocorticoid deficiency, Autoimmunepolyglandular syndromes, tubercular adrenalitis, bilateral adrenal lymphoma, etc.)