

Adult Endocrine Disorders => Thyroid

What is the difference between ‘thyroid in blood’ and ‘thyroid in neck’?

There is nothing like ‘thyroid in blood’ and ‘thyroid in neck’. Every one of us has thyroid gland in the neck, which secretes thyroid hormones named ‘T3 & T4’ under the effect of a hormone named ‘TSH’ (which is produced from pituitary gland in brain). These hormones have wide range of functions and affect every organ of the body.

What is hypothyroidism?

When production of T3 & T4 hormones from the thyroid gland is less than normal, it is called hypothyroidism. In this condition TSH is usually high with normal/low T3 & T4.

What is hyperthyroidism?

When production of T3 & T4 hormones from the thyroid gland is higher than normal, it is called hyperthyroidism. In this condition TSH is usually low with normal/high T3 & T4.

Which are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Dry skin, fatigue, lethargy, mood fluctuations, menstrual abnormalities, constipation, weight gain, increased sleepiness, excessive hair fall, etc.

Which are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

Excessive sweating, palpitation, weight loss, frequency of stool, irritability, restlessness, menstrual abnormalities, lack of sleep, etc.

What is the cause of thyroid disorder?

It is a complex disorders occurring as a result of autoimmunity because of genetic & environmental factors. Females are more likely to get thyroid disorder. Also, those with family history of thyroid disorder are at risk of developing thyroid disorder.

Any relation between any particular type of food intake (cabbage/cauliflower intake) & thyroid disorder?

There is no relation with any particular type of food intake & autoimmune thyroid disorder. Iodine deficiency can lead to goiter. Individuals with iodine deficiency, who are eating raw vegetables (cauliflower/cabbage) in large quantities, can develop goiter (enlarged thyroid gland). Hence, it is advisable to eat it in cooked form than raw form. Other than that there are no food restrictions for a patient with hypothyroidism.

Is there any permanent cure for thyroid disorder?

No. In majority of the cases, thyroid disorder is permanent and patient will require medicines for whole life. In very few cases, thyroid disorder is transient and patient needs medicines for few months only.

Why is it important to treat thyroid disorder?

Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to heart diseases & increase in blood pressure/cholesterol levels. It can also lead to mood fluctuations & poor quality of life. Hence, it is very important to treat thyroid disorder.

How to treat Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is treated with a tablet which contains T4 hormone. The dose of the tablet should be adjusted based on TSH levels at regular intervals (at least 2-3 times per year). It should be taken in fasting. It should be taken at least 1 hour before tea/breakfast. It is always better to have 4 hour gap between thyroid medicines and any other medicines.

How to treat hyperthyroidism?

Treatment of hyperthyroidism is decreasing thyroid hormone levels to normal range. It can be achieved by medicines, radioiodine treatment or surgery. This should be treated aggressively by monitoring thyroid hormone level at regular intervals.