How do I know, whether my child is growing appropriately or not?

Simple. Measure the height of your child in centimeter and plot the height on the growth chart for Indian children (available online: iapindia.org/Revised-IAP-Growth-Charts-2015.php). If it falls below the lowest line, you should consult an expert as soon as possible. If it falls just above lowest line, you should be cautious and child needs to be monitored.

Does the height of a child depend on their parent's height?

Yes. Genetic potential is the most important factor determining the final height of a child, provided the child gets an appropriate environment (most importantly, nutrition) to grow.

What are the factors important for the growth of a child?

Appropriate nutrition (adequate protein & caloric intake) is the most important factor, especially in first 2-3 years of life. Other equally important factors are Growth hormone, Thyroid hormone and sex hormones (testosterone & estrogen).

Till what age a child can grow?

On an average, Girls grow till 14 years of age, while boys grow till 16 years of age. Bones fuse by that age. Once menarche (onset of menses in girls) is achieved, hardly any growth is possible. So, it is always advisable to consult an expert before the bones are fused.

Is there any tool to predict whether bones of a child are fused or not?

Yes. X ray of left hand (bone age) will give an idea about bone fusion.

Is it possible to accurately predict the final height of a child well in advance?

No. But rough prediction is possible based on their parent’s height.

Can early puberty compromise the final height of a child?

Yes. Precocious puberty (onset of puberty before 8 years in a girl and 9 years in a boy) can compromise the final height of the child because of premature fusion of the bones.

Does 'Height capsules' have any role in improving the height?

In the arena of ‘evidence based practice’, enough evidence is lacking regarding efficacy of ‘Height capsules’. You can take it at your own will & risk.

Can cycling or exercise improve the height of a child even when bones are fused?

No. But, it should be promoted for the overall health and well being of a child.

Is there any relation between type of food intake and height?

Adequate nutrition with a good balance of carbohydrate, protein, fat, minerals & vitamins is essential to reach the genetic potential or even outgrow the parent’s height. Other than that, there is no evidence that any particular type of food with increase or decrease the height.

Can Growth hormone improve the height of a short child?

Yes. But, the benefit in terms of height gain will depend upon reason for shortness. If the reason is ‘Lack of Growth hormone’, the child will benefit the most. If the reason is anything else, the benefit will be less compared to the previous scenario.

What is PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome)?

PCOS is a very common hormonal problem in females. In females with PCOS, male hormones (testosterone, androstenedione, DHEA) are increased. Ovaries are larger than normal and contain many small cysts (visible on sonography).

Which are the symptoms of PCOS?

Symptoms are variable. Some may have very severe symptoms, while some of them have only mild symptoms. Usual symptoms are:

  1. Excessive unwanted hair growth (over lips, chin, chest & back),
  2. Irregular periods
  3. Inability to get pregnant
  4. Acne (pimples).

How is PCOS diagnosed?

PCOS is diagnosed when you have 2 out of following (with normal TSH and prolactin levels)

  1. Ovaries are larger than normal and contain many small cysts (visible on sonography).
  2. Acne, excessive unwanted hair growth (over chin, lips, chest & back) or increased male hormone levels
  3. Irregular periods

How is PCOS treated?

Treatment of PCOS depends on the symptoms. For obese woman with PCOS, diet & lifestyle modifications (for weight loss) are must. For treatment of irregular periods, hormonal pills (e.g. Yasmin, Diane-35, etc.) are required. For excessive hair growth/acne, hormonal pills with/without antiandrogens (spironolactone, finesteride, etc.) are required. Fertility management includes metformin, weight loss and ovulation inducing drugs.

Any role of cosmetic treatment for hirsuitism (excessive unwanted hairs)?

Cosmetic therapy (laser hair removal, waxing, etc.) is useful for hirsuitism in PCOS. But, in majority of the patients hormonal pills are required to control hair growth.

What is the importance of weight loss in PCOS?

Obese patients with PCOS are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, heart diseases & stroke in future. Hence, weight loss is must for these patients. Additionally, weight loss helps in improving the symptoms of PCOS (irregular periods, excessive unwanted hair growth, infertility, etc.) as well.

Is there any permanent cure of PCOS?

No. But as woman approaches menopause, symptoms of PCOS tend to improve in many patients.

What is Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes?

Diabetes is a state with ‘increased blood sugar levels’, which can damage your kidney, eye, heart, nerves, etc. Pre-diabetes means you are at a higher risk of developing diabetes melitus.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Patients with mildly elevated sugars may not have any symptoms. Usual symptoms of diabetes are: frequency of urination, excessive thirst, increased/decreased appetite, weight loss, burning feet, and generalized weakness.

How to confirm the diagnosis of diabetes?

Diagnosis of diabetes is confirmed by fasting/ postprandial sugars or HbA1c. Fasting glucose 126 mg/dl or postprandial glucose >200 mg/dl or HbA1c >6.4% is called ‘Diabetes mellitus’. Fasting glucose 100-125 mg/dl or postprandial glucose 140-199 mg/dl or HbA1c 5.6-6.4% is called ‘Pre-Diabetes’.

What is HbA1c?

HbA1c is a better reflection of sugar control than fasting or postprandial sugars, because it is an average of last 3 months blood glucose levels. Hence, every diabetic patient should do HbA1c testing at least 2-3 times per year.

What are the types of Diabetes’?

Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, diabetes in pregnancy and other types. Majority (90-95%) of the patients with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes.

What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes?

In Type 2 diabetes, sugar levels in blood can be controlled with oral drugs for many years and insulin is required in a few patients only. In Type 1 diabetes, insulin is always required for sugar control and stopping of insulin can lead to death.

Does eating too much of sugar/sweet lead to diabetes?

Not directly. In fact, eating too much calories in form of carbohydrates/fat in presence of sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity) can lead to obesity. Obesity leads to insulin resistance (inability of insulin to control sugars) and hence diabetes.

Who is at risk of developing diabetes?

Those who are overweight or obese or have family member with diabetes are at risk for diabetes. Females with history of diabetes in pregnancy or PCOS (Polycycstic ovarian syndrome) are also at increased risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes can occur in anyone without any of these risk factors because we Indians are already at high risk of developing diabetes.

Why is it important to control the sugars?

Uncontrolled diabetes can cause damage to eyes, kidney, and nerves. It can lead to stroke or heart diseases. It can also increase the risk of infections and diabetic foot problems. Hence, it is very important to control sugars.

Is it possible to cure the Diabetes by yoga or any particular food item (such as karela juice) or any home remedies?

No. But, sugars can be controlled with diet & lifestyle modifications without medicines in some patients with type 2 diabetes.

Is it possible to control the sugars without medicines or is there any permanent cure for diabetes?

Sugars can be controlled with diet and lifestyle modifications (with weight loss) in some of the patients with type 2 diabetes. But, majority of the patients require medicines to control sugars.

Can the medicines used to control sugars damage the kidney?

No. Medicines used to treat diabetes don’t damage the kidney. But, uncontrolled diabetes can certainly damage the kidney and many other organs of the body.

What is the importance of diet, exercise, & weight loss in type 2 diabetes?

Diet, exercise, and weight loss helps in controlling sugars. If you don’t follow diet, exercise, & weight loss, you will need higher dose of medicines to control sugars.

Role of exercise in controlling sugars?

Physical activity is the most important aspect of management of diabetes. At least 30 minutes of walking/day is advisable. Avoid prolonged (>90 minutes) sitting. Avoid watching TV or using Laptops continuously for a long time. Exercise helps in controlling sugars and reducing weight. It also helps in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of heart disease or stroke.

What are the diet modifications for sugar control?

Avoid: Sugar, sweets, butter, ghee, cheese, honey, bakery products (khari/ toast/ biscuits/bread/ pav/ pastries/cakes), potato, sweet potato, fried items, fastfood, junk food, packaged food, fruit juices, and oily foods.

Limit: Rice, roti, and wheat.

Prefer: Salads (cucumber/ tomato/ carrot/ onion/ cabbage/ capsicum), green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, citrus fruits, and low fat milk.

Which fruits are preferred for diabetes?

Most of the fruits (except mango, banana, chikoo, & custard apple) are advisable in diabetes. At least 2-3 fruits per day are recommended. It is always better to eat whole fruit than fruit juice.

How to monitor the complications of Diabetes?

A patient with diabetes needs to be monitored for eye, kidney, & foot problems at least once in a year. Blood pressure should be measured at regular intervals. Lipid profile (cholesterol) should be done at least once in a year.

What is ideal sugar control?

Fasting glucose < 130 mg/dl, postprandial glucose < 180 mg/dl, and HbA1c <7%.

What is the difference between ‘thyroid in blood’ and ‘thyroid in neck’?

There is nothing like ‘thyroid in blood’ and ‘thyroid in neck’. Every one of us has thyroid gland in the neck, which secretes thyroid hormones named ‘T3 & T4’ under the effect of a hormone named ‘TSH’ (which is produced from pituitary gland in brain). These hormones have wide range of functions and affect every organ of the body.

What is hypothyroidism?

When production of T3 & T4 hormones from the thyroid gland is less than normal, it is called hypothyroidism. In this condition TSH is usually high with normal/low T3 & T4.

What is hyperthyroidism?

When production of T3 & T4 hormones from the thyroid gland is higher than normal, it is called hyperthyroidism. In this condition TSH is usually low with normal/high T3 & T4.

Which are the symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Dry skin, fatigue, lethargy, mood fluctuations, menstrual abnormalities, constipation, weight gain, increased sleepiness, excessive hair fall, etc.

Which are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism?

Excessive sweating, palpitation, weight loss, frequency of stool, irritability, restlessness, menstrual abnormalities, lack of sleep, etc.

What is the cause of thyroid disorder?

It is a complex disorders occurring as a result of autoimmunity because of genetic & environmental factors. Females are more likely to get thyroid disorder. Also, those with family history of thyroid disorder are at risk of developing thyroid disorder.

Any relation between any particular type of food intake (cabbage/cauliflower intake) & thyroid disorder?

There is no relation with any particular type of food intake & autoimmune thyroid disorder. Iodine deficiency can lead to goiter. Individuals with iodine deficiency, who are eating raw vegetables (cauliflower/cabbage) in large quantities, can develop goiter (enlarged thyroid gland). Hence, it is advisable to eat it in cooked form than raw form. Other than that there are no food restrictions for a patient with hypothyroidism.

Is there any permanent cure for thyroid disorder?

No. In majority of the cases, thyroid disorder is permanent and patient will require medicines for whole life. In very few cases, thyroid disorder is transient and patient needs medicines for few months only.

Why is it important to treat thyroid disorder?

Untreated hypothyroidism can lead to heart diseases & increase in blood pressure/cholesterol levels. It can also lead to mood fluctuations & poor quality of life. Hence, it is very important to treat thyroid disorder.

How to treat Hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is treated with a tablet which contains T4 hormone. The dose of the tablet should be adjusted based on TSH levels at regular intervals (at least 2-3 times per year). It should be taken in fasting. It should be taken at least 1 hour before tea/breakfast. It is always better to have 4 hour gap between thyroid medicines and any other medicines.

How to treat hyperthyroidism?

Treatment of hyperthyroidism is decreasing thyroid hormone levels to normal range. It can be achieved by medicines, radioiodine treatment or surgery. This should be treated aggressively by monitoring thyroid hormone level at regular intervals.

What is obesity?

Obesity is the disorder with excessive accumulation of body fat. It occurs because of imbalance between calorie intake and calorie usage. Eating foods with high caloric intake (high fat/high carbohydrate) and lack of exercise/physical activity leads to obesity.

How do I know if I am obese or overweight?

Measure your height in meter & weight in kg. Calculate your BMI (body mass index) = weight (kg) % height (meter) % height (meter). If your BMI is more than 23, you are overweight and if it is more than 25 you are obese.

Why is there so much of talk about obesity epidemic in Indians?

Complications of obesity occur at much lower weights/BMI in Indians as compared to that in the western world. Hence, we Indians have to be much more careful about obesity and its future complications. Hence, there is an urgent need of awareness and willingness to fight obesity in general population

Why should obesity be treated?

Untreated obesity can lead to diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, heart diseases and stroke. In addition it can increase the risk of some cancers. Hence, it should be treated as soon as possible.

How to treat obesity?

Most important aspect of treating obesity is diet and lifestyle modifications. Total caloric intake has to be decreased by avoiding food items with high fat/high carbohydrate content. Caloric usage has to be increased by increasing physical activity/exercise. At least 30 minutes of walking/day is recommended.

Diet in obesity?

Avoid: Sweets, butter, ghee, cheese, honey, bakery products (khari/ toast/ biscuits/bread/ pav/ pastries/cakes), potato, sweet potato, fried items, fastfood, junk food, packaged food, fruit juices, and oily foods.

Limit: Rice, roti, and wheat

Prefer: Salads (cucumber/ tomato/ carrot/ onion/ cabbage/ capsicum), green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, citrus fruits, and low fat milk.

Role of medicines in obesity?

Medicines are indicated when BMI is >30 kg/m2 or >27kg/m2 with complications of obesity. Medicines work by reducing fat absorption (eg: orlistat) or by reducing appetite (eg: liraglutide).

What is the role of bariatric surgery in obesity?

Bariatric surgery is indicated in patients having BMI >40 kg/m2 or >35 kg/m2 with complications of obesity.

What is puberty?

Puberty is the phase of life where boys or girls attain sexual maturity.

Which are the signs of puberty?

In girls, first sign of puberty is breast enlargement, followed by pubic hair development, menses & finally axillary hair development. In boys, first sign of puberty is testicular enlargement followed by pubic & axillary hair development. Bye the time, boys also develop beard and mustache.

What is the normal age of puberty onset?

Normal age of puberty onset is 8-13 years in girls and 9-14 years in boys.

What is early puberty?

Puberty onset before 8 years of age in girls & 9 years of age in boys is called early (precocious) puberty.

What is delayed puberty?

Absence of any signs of puberty till 13 years of age in girls and 14 years of age in boys is called delayed puberty.

Why is there height spurt during puberty?

Height spurt during puberty is because of sex hormones (testosterone in boys and estrogen in girls). Height spurt is one of the sign of puberty.

What are the complications of early puberty?

Early puberty can lead to decreased final height because of premature fusion of bones. In addition, early puberty can lead to psychosocial issues for a child or parents.

Is there any treatment for early puberty?

Yes. Hormonal treatment to stop the progression of puberty is available.

Is there any treatment for delayed puberty?

Yes. Treatment with testosterone (in boys) or estrogen (in girls) can lead to sexual maturation in those with delayed puberty.