Puberty Disorders

Puberty Disorders

Pediatric Endocrine Disorders => Puberty Disorders

What is puberty?

Puberty is the phase of life where boys or girls attain sexual maturity.

Which are the signs of puberty?

In girls, first sign of puberty is breast enlargement, followed by pubic hair development, menses & finally axillary hair development. In boys, first sign of puberty is testicular enlargement followed by pubic & axillary hair development. Bye the time, boys also develop beard and mustache.

What is the normal age of puberty onset?

Normal age of puberty onset is 8-13 years in girls and 9-14 years in boys.

What is early puberty?

Puberty onset before 8 years of age in girls & 9 years of age in boys is called early (precocious) puberty.

What is delayed puberty?

Absence of any signs of puberty till 13 years of age in girls and 14 years of age in boys is called delayed puberty.

Why is there height spurt during puberty?

Height spurt during puberty is because of sex hormones (testosterone in boys and estrogen in girls). Height spurt is one of the sign of puberty.

What are the complications of early puberty?

Early puberty can lead to decreased final height because of premature fusion of bones. In addition, early puberty can lead to psychosocial issues for a child or parents.

Is there any treatment for early puberty?

Yes. Hormonal treatment to stop the progression of puberty is available.

Is there any treatment for delayed puberty?

Yes. Treatment with testosterone (in boys) or estrogen (in girls) can lead to sexual maturation in those with delayed puberty.